
True Brazilian™ lAbiaplasty Surgery OVERVIEW

Labiaplasty Surgery is a procedure that is designed to reshape the vaginal lips. Often the inner lips (labia minora) are too excessive, uneven, too thick or non-symmetrical in women. This can in turn interfere with self confidence, sexual activity as well as the activities of daily living. During a labiaplasty procedure at Esteem Aesthetics, your plastic surgeon carefully removes any excess tissue and reshapes the region yielding a more desirable shape. Particular attention is paid to the preservation of nerves to the region as well as the placement of incisions to avoid any changes in sensation. Although, not frequently discussed, this is an operation which is associated with a very high rate of patient satisfaction.


Performed by a qualified and substantially experienced plastic and reconstructive surgeon.


Operated in our fully licensed & accredited private hospitals in Sydney NSW and Queensland.


Conducted under general anaesthesia administered by a specialist anaesthetist.

Frequently asked questions

What is Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that will reduce and/or reshape the labia minora – the skin that covers the female clitoris and vaginal opening. In some instances, women with large labia can experience pain during intercourse, or feel discomfort during everyday activities or when wearing tight-fitting clothing. Others may feel unattractive, or wish to enhance their sexual experiences by removing some of the skin that covers the clitoris. The purpose of a labiaplasty is to better define the inner labia. During this procedure the urethral opening can be redefined, and if necessary improvements to the vagina may be made. The problem can be caused by genetics, sexual intercourse or difficulties in childbirth.

Labia minora (inner lips) reduction: Many women dislike the large protuberant appearance of their labia minora. This may cause severe embarrassment with a sexual partner. The overly large labia minora can also result in constant irritation in tight pants. Surgical labial reduction can greatly improve the aesthetic appearance of the abnormally enlarged labia. Some women are born with large labia, others may develop this condition with childbirth or age.

Labia majora (outer lips) reduction: This common anatomical variation may be worsened by childbirth or by weight gain or loss.

Am I A Good Candidate?

The best candidates for labiaplasty are women who are either experiencing sexual dysfunction or embarrassment because their labia (labia minora) are over-sized or asymmetrical. Also, women who dislike the large size or shape of their labia, which may cause inelegance or awkwardness with a sexual partner.

Will my sexual partner see or feel any changes resulting from my labiaplasty?

Feeling a change after a labiaplasty surgery largely depends on the degree of labia abnormality to begin with. Simply said, if there is enough labia tissue present before a labiaplasty is performed that interferes with sexual activity, then usually the sexual partner will feel a difference after labiaplasty, because the excess tissue won’t interfere with any sexual act as it might have before. It will be very apparent to your sexual partner that the external structure of the labia will have been altered visually, as they’ll be smaller and better aligned. Your sexual partner will clearly notice this change for the better.

Could labiaplasty cause insensitivity?

There is no physiological association for sensory pleasure with the labia. This function is served by the clitoris. The only sensation elicited from labia is pain upon tearing or stretching. Labiaplasty cannot cause a loss of sensitivity when it is done correctly.

Is the skin around my clitoris involved in the procedure?

In most instances, no. However, in those cases where women have excessively large labia, the skin around the clitoris is reduced due to the retraction of tissue during the labiaplasty procedure. In some instances, this adjunct tissue removal can result in an increase in clitoral sensation during normal sexual activity.

How soon after my surgery can I resume normal sexual intercourse?

Our surgeon at Esteem Aesthetics will consult with each patient on this topic. Depending on a number of factors including age and extent of surgery, normal sexual relations can usually be resumed in 6 to 8 weeks.

What Is the duration of the surgery?

The duration of the surgery is approximately 60-90 minutes.

What Is The recovery time?

After surgery, women may experience some mild discomfort and swelling, which usually disappears completely after 1-2 weeks. The labial incisions usually heal and are rarely noticeable.

Pricing & availability

How much does Labiaplasty Surgery Cost?

Depending on complexity of procedure, the overall fees range between $7700 to $9900 for a straight forward case. This fee includes the surgeon’s fee, the anaesthetist fee, the hospital theatre and bed fee and the post surgery consultations in the first year.

Please keep in mind not all patients are alike and some will require a slightly different operation than others. Rest assured, you will receive a specific price quotation during your consultation visit. Our staff are always happy to discuss these matters with you in more detail.

Cost of Consultation : $250.00

The cost of the consultation fee (face to face, Skype or FaceTime) is payable at the time of the booking. This amount is a non-refundable/transferable amount in an event of a no show, cancellation, rescheduling, change of mind etc etc. You are essentially paying for the time we are exclusively reserving for you.

Please do not book an appointment if you are unsure of your availability. The consultation date and time is exclusively booked for you.

What should be my next step if I am interested to pursue this option?

Your first step is to see your Gp and organise to get a referral to see our plastic surgeon. Once you have received your letter of referral, kindly call the clinic on 1300 378 336 and schedule an appointment for a consultation with our plastic surgeon.

PATIENT FINANCING & Payment plan options

Does Esteem Aesthetics Provide payment plans?

Patient financing is completely independent from the clinic. For patients wanting affordable payment plans please apply directly with Total Lifestyle Credit. This facility is subject to approval. Our advice to all patients is to be financially responsible when undertaking finance for elective surgical procedures.

To apply for patient financing CLICK HERE NOW.

Start Your Journey To A More Beautiful, COnfident YOu!

The time is now. Reach out to make an enquiry or To book your appointment.

1300 378 336

N.b. The Esteem Aesthetics website provides general information about surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. General information is not a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment, and should not be accepted in place or in preference to a consultation with one of our qualified doctors.