
Lip Service™ — Dermal Lip Filler OVerview

Dermal lip fillers are one of the most requested non-surgical cosmetic treatments at Esteem Aesthetics. Beautiful lips are important for enhancing the appearance of the face. Patients with small or poorly shaped or proportioned lips can be significantly improved with dermal filler injections to achieve your desired look.

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What Can Dermal Lip Filler Injections Help TO Improve?

  • Size of the lips: Often patients present with small lips to be enlarged.

  • Proportion of the lips: Often patients have an upper lip which is much smaller than the lower. The “golden ratio” for lips is considered 1:1.618, so the upper should be smaller than the lower, but often the ratio will not be close to this. Dermal filler can change this ratio.

  • Lip border: Some patients are blessed with a beautiful lip border, and some need dermal filler love! also as we age, the lip border loses definition and gets wrinkly. Dermal filler can really make a lip border appear younger and more attractive.

  • Projection of the lips: When examining the lips, the profile must be checked, and it should be determined if the projection of the upper or lower lips could be improved with lip injections.

  • Cupid’s bow: Is this defined, or could it be improved.

  • Shape of the lips: As we age, several things change with our lips, including the collapse at the lip corners, this leads to a less appealing shape. This can be improved with dermal filler. Also, at the part where the lips meet in the body of the upper and lower lips, in some patient’s this can be uneven. It can be smoothed out with dermal filler.

What Can I expect after a treatment?

The effect of the lip fillers will be obvious immediately. Most of the swelling from the lip fillers will have resolved by 2-3 days after the procedure. There may be a small amount of swelling for even 2-4 weeks after the procedure.

Asymmetry after Lip Fillers?

If you notice asymmetry at some time before the 4 week point after lip fillers, there is generally no need to call the doctor. Sometimes asymmetry will occur because one side is more swollen or bruised. Usually it will rectify itself by the time of the review appointment at 4 weeks. When asymmetry doesn’t resolve, it can be examined at the review appointment. There’s no point in coming in early for treatment of asymmetry as there is often swelling associated and so the final result cannot be seen until at least 4 weeks. Treating asymmetry too early could lead to worsened asymmetry.

How long will the lip fillers last?

Longevity of the lip injections will depend on multiple factors including the patient’s anatomy, metabolism, dose, placement, product type etc. Typically, if the patient is happy with the results at 1 month (ie there has been adequate fill) they should be treated at 6 months, then at 6 months and then once yearly. If the patient is not satisfied with the results at 1 month (ie more dermal filler is required to obtain the results that they desire), then further dermal filler should be injected every 1-4 months until the desired appearance has been reached. Then the patient should have treatment at 6 months, then 6 months, then once yearly.

Using A Cannula for lip injections?

Cannula may be used for lip fillers, with the purpose of potentially reducing the risk of occlusions, or to reduce the risk of bruising and swelling.

PricING & Availability

How much does Lip Filler Enhancement Cost?

Lip Filler Christmas Promo Price.png

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1300 378 336

N.b. The Esteem Aesthetics website provides general information about surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. General information is not a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment, and should not be accepted in place or in preference to a consultation with one of our qualified doctors.