
Jawline sculpting - Dermal Jawline Filler Overview

Jawline filler may be important to create balance in the lower third of the face. Patients might have been born with a weak jawline, or it may have appeared due to ageing. Jawlines (or the contour of the lower edge of a person’s jaw) can be injected to achieve different patient objectives, choosing the jawline that they prefer, be it angular or slim or extra masculine. If the jawline needs to have volume added, then dermal fillers will be used. If jawlines need to be slimmed, then muscle relaxants will be used for face slimming. 


What CaN Jawline Dermal FIller SCULPTING improve?

  • Size of the jaw: some patients need dermal filler to enhance their jawline anywhere from their chins around to their ears.

  • The shape of the jawline Some patients need more volume in the front of their jaw at the chin and some patients need more volume at the side of their jawline at the angle of the mandible under the ear , and some just need to straighten their jawline due to jowls by injecting in the prejowl sulcus or their post jowl sulcus:  The patient will be assessed and the doctor will have a discussion with the patient about their anatomy, and how it can be improved.

  • Jawline after a facelift: Often the jawline near the ears is deformed after a facelift. Dermal filler to rebuild this area can create a more natural appearance.

  • Aging jawline: as we age, we lose structural support in the jawline. This can be replaced with dermal filler.

  • Symmetry of the jawline: asymmetry of the jawline can be improved with dermal filler treatment.

  • Choosing the dose of jawline filler.

How Much Dermal Filler Will I Need?

The dose required for jawline filler depends on the anatomy and the desired result. Therefore, it is extremely variable based on the patient. Some patients will be satisfied with 2mls, others will need 5-6mls or more to get the results that they want. Your doctor at Esteem Aesthetics will assess the face and decide on the best dose after taking a history and examining the patient. If a patient has a history of complications with dermal fillers, or if their budget is small or if they want a more subtle result, then a smaller dose might be chosen to start with, and we can build slowly from there.

With jawline filler, a typical way to plan jawline improvement is to inject 2mls at a time, injecting every month until you are satisfied with the appearance. Typically, we will inject 2mls at a first treatment then review the patient at a month. If they say “I liked the swelling after the last treatment and was disappointed when it went away” then we would recommend them to have a further 2mls, and repeat this until they don’t like the swelling afterwards.

Is There Pain relief during treatment?

A numbing cream (eg EMLA or LMX ) may be applied to the area prior to the treatment (45 minutes prior is ideal). Glad wrap may be used over the numbing cream to increase its effect. If a cannula is used, local anaesthetic may be used prior to the cannula being introduced into the skin. Ice may be used to decrease pain and to reduce the risk of bruising.

What happens during the injectables treatment itself?

The face will be cleaned with alcohol and chlorhexidine. Ice will be applied to the area briefly before treatment. The doctor will inject using a needle. Then pressure with gauze will be applied. If a cannula is used, a small injection of local anaesthetic is injected into the skin and then a needle makes a small hole in the skin where the cannula is inserted.

What Are The Side effects/risks with dermal fillers?

  • Bruising occurs in a significant number of cases.

  • Swelling in the injection area will occur. This will laser for 48 hours.

  • Asymmetry: Sometimes one side is better treated than the other, this is usually because the patient is asymmetrical to start with.

  • Infection is a very rare complication, but always a possibility when the needle goes into the skin.

  • Necrosis (blood vessel being blocked, interfering with blood supply to the skin) is very rare. This could lead to scarring.

  • Need for further treatment.

Instructions for care After Jawline Filler?

  • No makeup for 4 hours

  • No heavy exercise that day

  • No acid face products for 24 hours

  • No spas, no saunas, no hot yoga for 1 week post treatment

What to expect after jawline filler treatment?

The effect of the dermal filler will be obvious immediately. There may be redness, bruising swelling. Patients often like the swelling in the first couple of days. Most of the swelling from the dermal filler will have resolved by 2-3 days after the procedure. There may be a small amount of swelling for even 4 weeks after the procedure.

What if I get asymmetry at some time before the 2 week point?

Sometimes asymmetry will occur because one side is more swollen or bruised. Usually it will correct itself by the time of your review appointment. If it doesn’t, then it can be examined by your doctor at Esteem Aesthetics during your review appointment. There is no point in coming in early for treatment of asymmetry as there is often swelling associated and so the final result cannot be seen until at least two weeks. Treating asymmetry too early could lead to further asymmetry. Most jawlines are asymmetrical to start with and treating this may take multiple treatments.

How long will the treatment last?

The answer to this is very individual and depends on the patient’s anatomy, metabolism, the dose, the placement, the product etc. Typically with our most commonly used premium dermal fillers, the protocol is: If the patient is happy with the results at 1 month (ie there has been adequate fill) they should be treated at 6 months, then at 6 months and then once yearly.


How much does Jawline Filler Cost?

  • Price: From $1,350*

* All prices stated above are average estimates only and are subject to change based on your individual requirements.

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N.b. The Esteem Aesthetics website provides general information about surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. General information is not a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment, and should not be accepted in place or in preference to a consultation with one of our qualified doctors.