
Breast Lift Surgery (Mastopexy) OVERVIEW

With the passage of time, the breasts undergo changes in response to factors such as genetics, the ageing process, pregnancy and breast feeding, weight gain or loss, and hormonal fluctuations. Breasts that were once firm, perky and shapely often begin to sag and droop giving them a loose or heavy appearance. A breast lift, or mastopexy at Esteem Aesthetics, restores a firmer, shapelier breast, which will improve body contours and give the breasts a youthful appearance.

Breast lift surgery has come a long way in recent times; multiple techniques exist that fulfil your goals with minimal scarring. For those who require more volume as well as lift, then the augmentation mastopexy, or breast lift + implants, is the operation of choice. The best candidates for mastopexy are healthy, emotionally stable women who have realistic expectations about what this type of surgery can accomplish. Breasts of any size can be lifted, but the results may not last as long in women with heavy, large breasts, poor skin laxity, loss of skin elasticity and poor tissue quality. Mastopexy does leave permanent, noticeable scars on the breasts. There is a variety of different surgical techniques used for the reshaping and lifting of the female breast.


Performed by a qualified and substantially experienced plastic and reconstructive surgeon.


Operated in our fully licensed & accredited private hospitals in Sydney NSW and Queensland.


Conducted under general anaesthesia administered by a specialist anaesthetist.

Frequently asked questions

HoW Do I know If I need a breast lift?

As with all cosmetic surgery, realistic expectations and emotional stability are important. Though breasts of any size can be lifted, women with smaller breasts enjoy longer lasting results.

You may benefit from a breast lift if:

  • Your breasts are pendulous (hanging), but of satisfactory size

  • Breasts lack firmness or substance

  • Nipples point downward and are positioned below the underwire crease

Depending on the degree of sagginess of your breasts, this breast lift procedure may be combined with breast augmentation surgery. This combination may appeal to women who have lost breast volume or have always wanted larger breasts. Pregnancy and nursing often result in stretched skin and decreased volume. If you are planning a future pregnancy, it is advisable to postpone your breast lift since you will probably experience further stretching.

What are the techniques for breast lift surgery?

Our plastic surgeons at Esteem Aesthetics employ different techniques to achieve the breast lift. Various incision patterns are possible and the objective is to remove excess skin and then stitch the remaining tissue in place so that the breasts have a more youthful appearance. The main incisions may be:

  • Circular, following the outline of the areola around the nipple;

  • Around the outside of the areola, where it meets the skin of the breast, and then vertically downwards towards the breast crease;

  • For larger, more pendulous breasts, further incisions may be made at the side of the breasts to remove excess skin and fatty tissue.

What can I expect after breast lift surgery?

Your surgeon will remove the bandages and any drains during your follow-up visit on the first or second day after your breast lift surgery at Esteem Aesthetics. The surgeon will also check the nipple’s colour and blood supply. After the operation, expect to be uncomfortable for a few days. Your surgeon will usually recommend that you wear a compression bra or have a special dressing in place to provide the support you will need during your recovery. For the first week, you may need pain medication. If you’ve gotten breast implants, be careful to avoid any impact to your chest, which could make the implant rupture. Within two to three weeks, your surgeon will remove all your stitches.

The size and shape of the breast will continue to improve as time passes. There may be slight differences in symmetry between the two breasts. If so, a small touch-up procedure may be necessary to help reposition the nipple as necessary. Minor adjustments can also be made later on. During your recovery, it is very important to limit your activity as directed by your surgeon and to immediately report any side effects or problems you’re having. Any surgery has risks, including infection. With breast reduction surgery, permanent loss of sensation in the nipples or breast skin is very rare.

What type of anaesthetic do you use?

Breast lift surgery at Esteem Aesthetics is performed under general anaesthetic under the care of a specialist anaesthetist and usually takes two to four hours, depending on the size and shape of the breasts, as well as the degree of sagging and amount of excess skin. The surgery is performed at a private accredited hospital. It is mostly a day only procedure. Sometimes, depending on patient’s health, or complexity of procedure, the surgeon may advise you to stay overnight in the hospital. Drains may or may not be used.

What are the risks?

Every surgical procedure involves a certain amount of risk, and it is important that you understand the risks involved with a mastopexy. An individual’s choice to undergo a surgical procedure is based on the comparison to the risk to potential benefit. While the majority of women do not experience these complications, you should discuss each of them with your plastic surgeon at Esteem Aesthetics to make sure you understand the risks, potential complications, and consequences of mastopexy (breast lift) surgery.

  • Bleeding – It is possible, though unusual, to experience a bleeding episode during or after surgery. Should operative bleeding occur, it may require emergency treatment to drain accumulated blood or blood transfusion. Do not take any aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications for ten days before surgery, as this may increase the risk of bleeding.

  • Infections – An infection is quite unusual after this type of surgery. Should an infection occur, treatment includes antibiotics or additional surgery may be necessary.

  • Change in nipple and skin sensation – You may experience a change in the sensitivity of the nipples and the skin of your breasts. Permanent loss of nipple sensation can occur after a mastopexy in one or both nipples.

  • Skin scarring – All surgery leaves scars, some more visible than others. Although good wound healing a surgical procedure is expected, abnormal scars may occur within the skin and deeper tissue. Scars may be unattractive and of different color than the surrounding skin tone. There is the possibility of visible marks in skin from sutures. In some cases scars may require surgical revision or treatment.

  • Firmness – Excessive firmness of the breast can occur after surgery due to internal scarring or scarring around a breast implant if one is used. The occurrence of this is not predictable. Additional treatment including surgery may be needed.

  • Delayed Healing – Wound disruption or delayed wound healing is possible. Some areas of the breast nipple regions may not heal normally and may take a long time to heal.

  • Asymmetry – Some breast asymmetry naturally occurs in most women. Differences in terms of breasts are nipple shape, size, or symmetry may also occur after surgery. Additional surgery may be necessary to revise the asymmetry after a mastopexy.

  • Allergic Reactions – In rare cases, local allergies to tape, suture material, or topical preparations have been reported. Systemic reactions which are more serious may occur to drugs used during surgery and prescription medications. Allergic reactions may require additional treatment.


How much does Breast LIFT Surgery Cost?

From $14,400

Fee above includes the hospital theatre and bed fee, anaesthetist fee, surgeon’s fee, post operative bra and post operative consultations in the first year.

Please keep in mind not all patients are alike and some will require a slightly different operation than others. Rest assured, you will receive a specific price quotation during your consultation visit.

Cost of Consultation : $250.00

The cost of the consultation fee (face to face, Skype or FaceTime) is payable at the time of the booking. This amount is non-refundable/transferable amount in an event of a no show, cancellation, rescheduling, change of mind etc etc. You are essentially paying for the time we are exclusively reserving for you.

Please do not book an appointment if you are unsure of your availability. The consultation date and time is exclusively booked for you.

What should be my next step if I am interested to pursue this option?

Your first step is to see your Gp and organise to get a referral to see our plastic surgeon. Once you have received your letter of referral, kindly call the clinic on 1300 378 336 and schedule an appointment for a consultation with our plastic surgeon.

Patient financing & PAYMENT PLAN OPTIONS

Is there patient financing?

Patient Financing is completely independent from the clinic. For patients wanting affordable payment plans please apply directly with Total Lifestyle Credit. This facility is subject to approval. Our advice to all patients is to be financially responsible when undertaking finance for elective surgical procedures.

To apply for patient financing CLICK HERE NOW.

Start Your Journey To A More Beautiful, COnfident YOu!

The time is now. Reach out to make an enquiry or To book your appointment.

1300 378 336

N.b. The Esteem Aesthetics website provides general information about surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. General information is not a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment, and should not be accepted in place or in preference to a consultation with one of our qualified doctors.